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Wednesday, July 5th

09:00-09:25 Coffee + Registration

09:25-09:30 Welcome

Session 1: French clausal syntax

Chair: Karen De Clercq

09:30-10:10 Lena Baunaz (University of Geneva) & Caterina Bonan (University of Cambridge)
Revisiting French wh in-situ from a micro- diachrony perspective

10:15-10:55 Marc Olivier (University of Oxford)
Evidence for high infinitive placement in Old French

10:55-11:20 Coffee break

Session 2: Verb movement in French/Romance

Chair: Judy Bernstein

11:20-12:00 Espen Klævik-Pettersen (University of Agder)
Verb movement and phasehood in French clausal syntax

12:05-12:45 Afra Pujol i Campeny (University of Oxford)
The loss of V2 in Old Catalan

12:45-14:00 Lunch break

Session 3: Finno-Ugric syntax

Chair: Chris Reintges

14:00-14:40 Katalin É. Kiss (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)
From parataxis to hypotaxis in the Ugric languages

14:45-15:25 Irina Burukina (Eötvös Loránd University & Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)
Historical reanalysis of postpositions into Mood in Uralic

15:25-15:50 Coffee break

Session 4: Mood and polarity

Chair: Lena Baunaz

15:50-16:30 Raquel Montero Estebaranz (University of Konstanz)
Mood alternations: The diachronic development of the polarity subjunctive

16:35-17:15 Nicola D’Antuono (University of Padua)
Negative paths: on the interaction between negation and a polarity item in Old Italian

17:15-17:30 Coffee break

17:30-18:30 Invited talk 1 (Chair: Karen De Clercq). Alexandra Simonenko (Ghent University)
A language change approach to probabilistic universals: Case and order

Thursday, July 6th

09:00-09:30 Coffee + Registration

Session 5: OV-VO

Chair: Theresa Biberauer

09:30-10:10 Tommaso Balsemin, Francesco Pinzin & Cecilia Poletto (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Where do we start from? Deriving the consistency principle from basic OV order

10:15-10:55 Héctor Vázquez Martínez & Beatrice Santorini (University of Pennsylvania)
A variational model of the loss of English OV

10:55-11:20 Coffee break

Session 6: Agreement

Chair: Francesco Pinzin

11:20-12:00 Lisa Gotthard (University of Edinburgh) & Joel C. Wallenberg (University of York)
Three-way grammar competition during the Scots anglicisation: Insights from the Parsed Corpus of Scottish Correspondence

12:05-12:45 Daniela Isac (Concordia University)
Agree in Old Romanian

12:45-14:00 Lunch break

Session 7: Pronouns

Chair: Espen Klævik-Pettersen

14:00-14:40 Benjamin Sluckin (Ruhr University Bochum)
Exaptation of silent elements: (not-so) expletive pro in English Locative Inversion

14:45-15:25 Marco Coniglio (University of Göttingen)
Paradigm shifts in German personal pronouns

15:25-15:40 Lightning talks

15:40-17:00 Poster session (+ coffee)

17:00-18:00 Invited talk 2 (Chair: Lieven Danckaert). Emanuela Sanfelici (University of Padua)
The syntacticization of discourse in diachrony: Insights from subordination

18:00-18:15 Business meeting

20:00 Conference dinner

Friday, July 7th

09:00-09:30 Coffee

Session 8: DP structure

Chair: Carola Trips

09:30-10:10 Laura Grestenberger (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
No small endeavor: The diachrony of diminutives and the nominal spine

10:15-10:55 Hannah Booth (Ghent University) & Alexandra Rehn (University of Konstanz)
Possession, case and the OCP in the history of High and Low German

10:55-11:15 Coffee break

Session 9: Back to language contact

11:15-11:55 Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge, Stellenbosch University, University of the Western Cape & CRiSSP) & Cora Cavirani-Pots (KU Leuven)
The IPP effect in Afrikaans: something old, something new

12:00-13:00 George Walkden (University of Konstanz)
Adult language acquisition and change

Poster session


Author (Lab)
